Saturday, July 27, 2024  
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Cattle Listing
Sale Schedule
Contact Us
Abell Auction

603 S. WARREN ST., PO BOX 331, SIGOURNEY, IA 52591
OFFICE: 641-622-3535  ♦  FAX: 641-622-3429
Justin & Becky Abell

Upcoming Sales
Regular Cattle Sale
Monday, July 15
Sale Time:  Noon
July 22 & 29 -- No Sales

Market Reports
March 18, 2024:  Back to Grass Calf & Yearling Sale
Feb. 19, 2024:  Special Cattle Sale
January 1, 2024:  48th Annual New Year's Cattle Sale
November 20, 2023:  48th Annual Thanksgiving Special Cattle Sale
November 6, 2023:  Special Cattle Sale
August 28, 2023:  48th Annual Special Cattle Sale & Customer Apprecation BBQ
May 15, 2023:  Special Cattle Sale
March 20, 2023:  Special Back to Grass Calf & Yearling Sale
February 20, 2023:  Special Cattle Sale
January 16, 2023:  Special Cattle Sale
January 9, 2023:  Special Preconditioned, Green Tagged Cattle Sale
January 2, 2023:  New Year's Cattle Sale

Abell Auction
For all your auction needs contact
Justin & Becky Abell
641-622-3535 or 641-660-8048
"Specializing in Farm, Machinery, Land & Residential."

This Day In History
July 27, 1962
Mariner 2 launched to Venus; flyby mission

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Quote of the Day

"There is nothing as useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all."

~ Peter Drucker

Did You Know?

In 1990 the total United States population was 246,081,000
Farm population was 4,591,000
Farmers made up 2.6% of the labor force
Number of farms: 2,143,150
Average farm size (acres): 461

Fact courtesy of the USDA

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